"धानक एकता जिंदाबाद "

Yogesh Kirar - National President
The All India Dhanak Organisation is the only National Registered Organisation which is working for upliftment and fighting for the rights of Dhanak – Dhanuk and Dhankas communities and other suppressed people of India. Dhanak samaj’s population is as per census of India is more than 500 Lacs. But this is a matter of great regret that 80% of population is living below poverty line. Today even after 71 years of independence we the Dhanak samaj are going more backward than other community. The only reason is because non of our leaders came and fought for our rights and integrated us and if any Dhanak leader came, he came for himself – his family and made everything for his own. The All India Dhanak organisation is formed by our former National President Late Sh. Dharam Pal Kirar, who was Ex Commissioner and who Resigned his Commissioner’s Post only to fight for the rights of Dhanak samaj because on the Government service he could’nt do anything for Dhanak samaj openly. I, Yogesh Kirar, Present National President of All India Dhanak Organisation would like to share some of our Dhanak samaj facts for your knowledge. Our Samaj sacrificed time and time again and still we got nothing but Poverty. So I am trying to unite all the Dhanaks of India. It is impossible for one person to do anything alone. So I need your blessing – support and your presence. We will fight for our rights and get our rightful share which some other communities have been taking since many years.

The Dhanaks were always respectable Kshatrias and fighters as Dhanushdhari since ancient times upto
Chandergupt Maurya period, after that Dhanaks fought many wars for Kings and The Dhanaks were always respectable Kshatrias and fighters as Dhanushdhari since ancient times upto Chandergupt Maurya period, after that Dhanaks fought many wars for Kings and Princes in Gupta period – Harshwardhana – Vikramaditya, Shakas, Kanishkas and Rajpoot kings. 100s of wars were fought. During this period countless of Dhanak warriors lost their lives – their houses properties were ruined. Dhanak warriors migrated from one place to another to save their lives. The Dhanaks migrated from Rajasthan to other parts, from Punjab to Jammu and Kashmir and from Haryana to Delhi and from Central India to Bihar and from Madhya Bharat (Central India) to West India (Gujrat – Maharashtra) etc. The Dhanaks suffered untold sufferings during this period. Dhanak Kshatria warrior lost everything and they came to be known as suppressed and depressed. Dhanak lost their ancient identity during the period of 2000 years of turmoil. They suffered inhumane treatment from the victor and the high society. The Dhanakas were financialy ruined and they became homeless with no livelihood. Therefore during this period the Dhanaks were Degraded to lower castes and were known as Shudras - Harijans later on. The Dhanaks to make their both ends meet and to maintain their livelihood adopted different profession at different places, hence they were known by different names in different states.
Chandergupt Maurya period, after that Dhanaks fought many wars for Kings and The Dhanaks were always respectable Kshatrias and fighters as Dhanushdhari since ancient times upto Chandergupt Maurya period, after that Dhanaks fought many wars for Kings and Princes in Gupta period – Harshwardhana – Vikramaditya, Shakas, Kanishkas and Rajpoot kings. 100s of wars were fought. During this period countless of Dhanak warriors lost their lives – their houses properties were ruined. Dhanak warriors migrated from one place to another to save their lives. The Dhanaks migrated from Rajasthan to other parts, from Punjab to Jammu and Kashmir and from Haryana to Delhi and from Central India to Bihar and from Madhya Bharat (Central India) to West India (Gujrat – Maharashtra) etc. The Dhanaks suffered untold sufferings during this period. Dhanak Kshatria warrior lost everything and they came to be known as suppressed and depressed. Dhanak lost their ancient identity during the period of 2000 years of turmoil. They suffered inhumane treatment from the victor and the high society. The Dhanakas were financialy ruined and they became homeless with no livelihood. Therefore during this period the Dhanaks were Degraded to lower castes and were known as Shudras - Harijans later on. The Dhanaks to make their both ends meet and to maintain their livelihood adopted different profession at different places, hence they were known by different names in different states.

The Dhanak samaj in the present day forms major group of the scheduled castes. The estimated population of the Dhanak castes is more then 500 lacs, spread over in the 18 states of India – Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pardesh, Chandigarh , Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttranchal, Uttar Pardesh, Madhaya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Andhara Pradesh, Maharastra and Gujrat etc. The Dhanak communities are known by different names in various states, such as Dhanak, Dhanuk, Dhanka, Dhanakia , Julaha, Kabeerpanthi, Bhagat, Barar, Banskar, Bhasod, Bansfod, Bargi, Bagri, Sais, Bunkar, Vankar , Raut, Tadavi, Tateria , Katheria, Halpati etc. The Dhanak castes and communities always had clean and noble occupation. The Dhanak samaj are known as 52 roopi castes. Their occupations have been such as weaving of clothes, rearing of sheeps-goats-camels-horses, masonary works, shelling of food grains, band-baja, making of durries, jute and cane furniture, chatai, art and craft, bamboo art works, musical arts and classical instruments, interior decorators, flower making , flower decorations, auto workshops and agriculture and agriculture related jobs etc. and it is now changing by the times and making inroads in to the modern engineering, technological and in the professional courses.

Your future is now in your hands , if you want to Fight for your rights and want your lost share and want happiness in your family life. You will have to fight & Unite all together and raise your voice in front of the Indian Governments. One of the other SC community got all our share from the Government and now they are enjoying all the benefits of schedule castes. They are now Ministers in Central Government, Ministers in State Governments, Governors, Ambassadors, Members in Parliaments, MLA, IAS-IPS-IFS and other Senior officer grades, they are in Central Corporations – Boards, They are taking all Economical benefits from Government in the name of Schedule castes, they are taking Party tickets for elections either for Lok sabha Parliament or Assembey or for Municiple Corpn and they are also Members in Rajya sabha Etc. Now a days everything is computerized if you will not unite and wont show your menpower countings to the Govts. You will be going to face more poverty – Hunger and unemployement. .........So I request you to wake up Fight with Governments and snach your share from that SC community who is eating our share since last many years.